Friday August 17th
My first RustConf!
What a day!
- I’m exhausted. The funny thing is, I’m getting up tomorrow to go the Farmer’s Market and a Hack day! I had a lot of fun today! I can’t even explain it all, but I met so many people, and I even made it into two talks! (including the keynote!). I just had a great time at this conference!
- Oh, I’m also in a video! I was interviewed for the conference, too! :D Manish went out of his way in the middle of the craziness to also make sure I was having a good time. It was just really conscientious of them. I’m really thankful they were so welcoming to me. I had fun at this conference, and it was the right size.
Here are some photos!
- view from conference
- Arshia introduces Steve
- I’m in the keynote, Ma! :D. Nikos, Aaron and Ashley did the keynote.
- Using Rust for space craft. Kubos made a product called kubOS that uses Rust. Spoke about challenges of using it and the space industry.
- Embedded Rust talk! (microcontrollers)
- Lunch
- Rust in Tor
- Interesting because they were working on codebase which was written in both Rust and C, and spoke about having (or wanting) global allocation properties between the two bases.
- Turtle library talk. I’d like to contribute to this!
- Sarah’s talk! She even gave me a shout-out :D
- Chris Wong’s talk on Macros. I realized afterwards
he was part of our group that stayed up until 10:45pm
last night in the bar for the Facebook party. He is
on github
- His talk was interesting because he spoke about how the compiler interprets things like spans.
- Job board
- A group of us went out for ramen afterwards
Among our group was a Nick, who works at Mozilla Research, and Nick’s wife, Jeena, and a researcher who is doing his PhD candidacy at a school with an advisor I am seriously considering. So it was lovely to ask him questions and get more information about his application process and his current experience. He seems to be enjoying it very much.
Finally..back to my swanky room..I decided to do the fake hot-tub thing and had the most glorious bath-tub experience!
- Best Rust Conf ever! (well, first Rust Conf ever, too!)
That’s it!
Written on August 17, 2018