Friday January 12th
- Today was a long but satisfying day. I ran into William Byrd, and sat next to Martin Odersky. I got to speak with William a bit, and also Dana Scott, who was at last year’s LambdaConf. I also spoke with Dr. Spivak via email. Spivak gave me great advice, which was that I should continue to do what I enjoy and making things that can benefit people, and to keep learning. Very sensible. Another gentleman told me that a good scientist is both passionate and dispassionate. Basically, you have to love what you do in terms of what you are studying (or doing), but also be dispassionate enough to listen to and critically assess fair criticism.
I also did a phone interview about another opportunity, but I guess we’ll see…this week has changed me in a lot of ways. I have a more deeper understanding of my values and what is important to me in Computer Science. It isn’t just getting a job in the field (which honestly, I think won’t be a problem), but having a deeper understanding of the craft.
- So, I’m trying to get good information about the Master’s process. I was also advised about seeking an advisor and about what a good GRE score is. I’ve also done some of the research on that on my own, too.
- I was able to pick up a few papers that were left for the student volunteers (like myself) to take home. So that was pretty awesome.
So…tomorrow..I have an entire day of Coq!!!!
- Yassss!!! :D
- Then, the next day, I go Whale-watching :D
Notes from Today
Generating Good Generators for Inductive Relations (L. Lampropoulos)
- Testing w/ QuickChick
- Conjecture :
for all (x : A). Q(x) -> P(x)
- gen: GA -> Q(a) -> P(a)
- Lemma STLC preservation:
- forall (e1 e2: term) (t:type), [] |- e : t -> e1 ==> e2 -> [] |- e2 : t ```
- Software Foundations textbook
Why is Random Testing Effective for Partition Tolerance Bug? (R. Majumdar)
- Jepsen -> testing framework for distributed systems
- partitions into two blocks ->
- General Random Testing Framework
- Randomly Testing Distibuted Systems
- Wider Context: Combinatorial Testing
- Probabilistic Method
- Let G be the set of goals and P[random a covers b] >= p
Theorem: there exists a covering family of size p^(-1) log G - P[random a does not cover] <= 1 - p
- P[k independent a does not cover b] <= (1-p)^k
Ninjas in Training
- n ninjas in training. Complete if for every pair of ninjas, there is a round where there are in opposing teams. How many rounds make the training complete?
- Naive(O(n))
- From Training Ninjas to Distributed Systems w/ Partition Faults
A Bug in Chronos
- A distibuted fault - tolerant job scheduler
- works in conjunction w/ Mesos and Zookeeper
- A partition isolating Chronos from the Zookeeper leader can cause a crash (issue on Chronos) -> issue 513
- A partition isolating Chronos from to the Zookeeper can not cause a crash (issue on Chronos) -> 522
Splitting Coverage
- Given n nodes and k <= n:
- Number of partitions w/ k blocks
- Number of sets of k nodes
- Splitting a set with a random partition
- Effectiveness of Jepsen
- Paper has other notion of Coverage
- K, l Separation Minority Isolation
- Concurrent Programs - program = partially ordered sets of events
- Combinatorial Testing
- Inputs w/ many features
- Values for k features
Soft Contract Verification (P Nguyen)
- Challenges
- expressiveness
- idioms
- unknown functions
- Higher-order symbolic execution
- modified semantics
- standard execution
- symbolic function application
- Supplying Symbolic Value
- Storing Functions to Invoke Later
- Symbolic Function Application
- Sound
- Practical
- Approximation (Higher-order value)
Collapsing Towers of Interpreters (N. Amin)
- Reflecting Towers
- Partial Evaluation (Futamura)
- Automatic partial evaluation binding time analysis(BTA)
- A staged interpreter is a compiler
- Stage Polymorphism
- Generic Programming in Space and Time
- Ofenbeck GPCE ‘17
- Pink (language)
- Stage-Polymorphic
- Meta-circular
- Strong Jones - Optimality for Multiple Levels of Interpretation
- tower of compilers -> reflection
Retirement Reflection : Complete Verification with SMT (N. Vazou)
- SMT queries are Decidable
- Refinement Reflection
- Proof by Logical Evaluation
- Uninterpreted Function
- SMT Axiom -> not decidable because fib recursive so instantiated infinitely
- Refinement
- Reflection
- Application is Type Level Computation
- Proofs are Functions
fibUp::i:Nat->{fib i <= fib(i+1)}
- Liquid Haskell is case sensitive
- PLE (Proof by Logical Evaluation)
- unfold if you can
- Idea
- Propositions:
- I: Termination
- II: Completeness
- Application: Proof Simplification
Practical Construction for Decomposing Numerical Abstract Domains (G. Singh)
- Octagon
- {-x,-x_2<=0,-x_2<=0,-x_3,-x_4<=0}
Octagon Polyhedra analysis
- Limitations of prior work
- ad hoc design
- guided by cost precision tradeoff
- tailored for specific use cases
Non-Linear Reasoning for Invariant Synthesis (Z. Kinkaid)
- Recurrent Solver
- Linear- uses fixed point operation
- Algorithm: compute affine hull by querying an SMT solver
- Reasoning for non-linear arithmetic eg triply nested loop
- wedge abstract domain
- conjunctive edge of non-linear integer/ rational arithmetic
- Wedge
- polyhedron
- algebraic variety
- Wedge domain -> symbolic abstraction
- How do we solve system recurrences?
- Operational calculus: an algebra of infinite sequences
- transformation -> transform back
- Benchmark suites:
- functional
- relational : secure, information properties
Verifying Equivalence of Database-Driven Applications (Y. Wang)
- Structural schema change
- split a table into multiple ones
- merge multiple tables into one
- move columns from one table to another
- formalization of equivalence
- two databases: how do we prove them to be equal
- proof automation
- Invariant Synthesis
- fixed point to find strongest bisumulation
- invariant over predicate universe
- Evaluation - 1
- Refactoring Databases
- structure change : split/ merge tables, move columns, denormalizatoin
A Logical Relation for Monadic Encapsulation of State (A. Timany)
- Haskell ST Monad
- provide ML style mutable references
- a way to encapsulate or hide effects wing types
- System F mu with built in ST monad
- ST Monad -> ST rho tau
- runST::(forall B . ST beta alpha) -> alpha
- for each type rho, ST rho is a monad, in the Haskell sense
- return::alpha->ST beta alpha
- (»=)::ST beta alpha -> (alpha -> ST beta alpha’) -> ST beta alpha’
- Informal claim:Haskell with run ST remains “pure”
- new STRef::alpha->ST beta(STRef beta alpha)
- runST((newSTRef 7)»= lambda r. (readSTRef r))
- bad programs leaking a reference runST(new STRef 7) STRef beta N
- Launchury and Peyton Jones, 1994
- Introduces ST monad and argues informally for type-safety and encapsulation
- Moggi and Sabry, 2001
- Type safety for an instrumented semantic call by name and call by need
- For all C (null C[e] terminates ->(null, C[e]) terminates
- State-independence theorem
- If e can be executed under some heap h, then it can be executed under any heap h
Logical Relation
- Binary logical relation
- contextual refinements -> soundness of LR
- Iris logic -> higher-order separation logic
- Kripke logical relation
A region-based relational model
- untyped global heap
- cut into disjoint regions in the relational semantics
- the computation must be able to start from any region (including empty regions)
- semantics of the Effectful types
- current heap for l and rhs
- h (lhs) h’ (rhs)
- region rho holds for h and h’
- (h, runST{v} reduces {h2, w}
- then (h’, runST{v’}) reduces to (h’2, w’)
- we can update the logical state
- how we encode in Iris
- the future modality and IC triple
- the NN-logical relation for proving the hoisting refinements
Recalling a Witness: Foundations and Applications of Monotonic State (D. Ahman)
- Monotonicity is really useful
- its essence can be captures very neatly
- Monotonic state by example
- Key ideas behind general framework
- accommodating monotonic state in F*
- Monotonicity in program verification
- set-valued sate
- insert v; complex_procedure();
- assert(v element get())
- {lambda s. v element s} complex-procedure () {lambda s. V element s}
- Consider ML-style typed references r : ref a
- r is a proof of existence of an a-typed value in the heap
- crucially uses monotonocity
- Recall a Witness -> introduce logical capacity (modality)
- and a weakening principle (functoriality)
- we add stateful introduction rule for witnessed and stateful elimination for witnessed
- Monotonic counters are analogous
- ML style typed references (local state)
type cell = | unused : cell | used : a : type -> a, cell (type contains type a, with value of a cell)
- LST actions: write, read, add new value to reference -> get and put operation
- let alloc, let read, let write
- Adding untyped and Monotonic references
- (f* internship)
Rustbelt (R. Jung)
- Research Process: verify claims mathematically
- lambda Rust : core calculus representing a fragment of Rust and its type system
- Rust 101: No Aliasing and Mutation
- send -> pass by value
- push -> pass by reference
- fn Vec::push<’a>(&’a mut Vec
,i32) - lifetime a’ is inferred by Rust
- mutation, no aliasing -> unique ptr
- shared borrowing &x
- can share multiple refs by diff threads
- aliased mutable state: synchronization mechanisms and memory management
- Mutex : contains data in Rust
- Mutex has unsafe implementation but the interface (API) is safe fn lock <’a>…
Lambda Rust type system
- Core substructural typing judgment
- Synctatic type safety
- [ T] own (t, v)-> ownership predicate for every type
- t is owning thread’s ID
- v is data in memory
- Logical Relation
- Type Ownership
- lifetime logic -> splitting ownership in time
- P => (&_full)^k x ([tk] -> P)
- before tk is alive and after tk is dead
Missing from Rustbelt
- trait objects (existential types)
- weak memory -drop
- Everyone was pretty tired after a long day today. A couple of my Racketeer friends were tired because they had met up the night before for dinner, and got home around minutes to 11! I hope they get some rest today. My friend, Ben, leaves for the East Coast (Boston specifically) tomorrow morning. I’m sure we’ll see each other again (hopefully soon)!
And, that’s about it!
Written on January 12, 2018