Friday July 21st
Next seven days…
I hung out with my mentor last night!
- he works at JPL, and gave me a few articles to read, as well as a radar photograph of Maxwell Montes!
I have a lot going on
Writing a proposal for a technical talk for submittal. It’s for a functional programming conference (of course!) (goal…finish this weekend)
Continuing with my Nanodegree. I also was contacted about mentoring some of my peers, for a chance of getting another scholarship. (goal..finish next few weeks)
I have a Project-a-thon. All weekend, people in our Nanodegree will be working together and helping each other on our projects. (goal: finish this weekend)
Also, JPL did a webinar for a few of us for our next steps… I need to watch that (can be done tonight)
In the middle of that, I have to meet with my group… to discuss how far along we are in our project, and to finish up stuff for our presentation the next Sunday. (goal: finish meeting, and continue working on my portion)
TL;DR (to be done - specific / per day)
JPL webinar (Friday evening)do Project-a-thon (Saturday Morning)go to Meeting (Saturday afternoon/ evening)Talk for Submittal (Saturday/ Sunday)Sailing (Sunday..all day :) )- Tuesday (interviewing event)
- Wednesday (SF recruiting event)
- Saturday/Sunday (DEF CON)
TL;DR (to be done - week)
- Make sure talk proposal is submitted
- Mon to Friday (Final team project presentation, etc finish)
- Friday meeting (possibly)
- final presentation
- Heroku deploy
- update with live Link
- Nanondegree section finish and start working on project
Next week
I’m doing a speed-recruiting event, where there will be 20 employers or so. It’s an opportunity to meet them, and they can meet me, and if they’re interested, follow up.
I go to SF for a machine learning/ recruiting event. So how about that? 21 interviews in two days? :)
Oh, and then there’s DEF CON that weekend (upcoming). Yes, I’m going from SF to Vegas, all in the same week!
- Yes, there will be sailing. Sailing out of Redondo this Sunday! Never did that before, so that should be interesting! The crew looks pretty experienced, so it should be a learning experience and a lot of fun for me.
Random katas
- Makea band name : if it ends in the same letter with which it begins, repeat as: word = “potop” “Potopotop” word = “potato” else make it “The Potato”
function bandNameGenerator(str) {
if (str[0].toLowerCase() == str[str.length - 1].toLowerCase())
return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1, str.length) + str.slice(1, str.length)
return "The " + str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1, str.length)