Friday May 26th
LambdaConf Day 2: Late but Fun Day
I learned a bit of Coq today
It’s actually pretty fun. Great for Theorem proving. You can also change Coq code into Haskell code! Similar concept to Dijkstra and having mathematically correct programmes.
You wouldn’t do it for all your code, but still useful!
Coq Ide
David Koontz’s Mighty Morphisms Talk
Using Algebraic Datatypes for a Database
Final Keynote for the day “On State”
We had monad pies
Then we went out drinking
- The International Space Station was over us, so a group of us ran outside and saw it flying overhead, which was neat!
And then we ended up of course, talking about Haskell!
- David, who taught the Category Theory session, asked for my notes in LaTeX today. It was so nice of him. He also reached out to me and told me to contact him if I ever needed any help or anything like that, which was so nice of him! Amazing! He’s had my favourite talk so far, along with the Coq and Mighty Morphism one.
Written on May 26, 2017