Monday September 11th
Notes from Thursday Tutoring Session
- Once a week, my mentor and I sit down and have dinner, and talk about parsers, compilers, and programming language theory.
This was from our first session
He’s explaining parsers and recursive descent to me.
Also, LL-1 vs LL-0 parsing.
I started thinking about Python
One of the things that has fascinated me is trying to understand what a plus sign is to a compiler. What does it mean, and how does it know hierarchy.
It makes sense for the hierarchy to represent it as a graph structure. But it’s really quite interesting; concepts like LL-1 and LL-0 parsers, their complexity and efficiency.
Things I learned about
- fixed point iteration (calcuating nullable)
- NDFA to DFA (removing epsilon transitions)
- sentential form (not yet a a phrase)
- tokens
- abstract syntax trees
- recursive descent
- LL vs LR parsers
- epsilon vs lambda transitions
- “chickenfoot” (independent of in mathematical notation)
- expression vs expression follows (peek operation)
I found some resources online
They Python documentation actually contains Lexical analysis documentation. I didn’t know that until today.
This is from a college course. It’s from the University of Utah.
I love this
Few programmers will ever work on a production compiler, but knowing how compilers think is an asset. It makes you a better programmer.
Also a wonderful Paul Graham article
- This stuck out today for me
...I'll call the Python paradox;
if a company chooses to write its
software in a comparatively
esoteric language, they'll be able
to hire better programmers,
because they'll attract only those who cared
enough to learn it....
for programmers...if you want to get a good
job..the language to learn is a language that people
don't learn merely to get a job.
Read the entire article here
- I completely agree with this! It just makes sense to me, and I have to say the smartest, most passionate people I’ve met are people who have learned some interesting language, or built something interesting, or they taught themselves a language because they were really interested and curious and passionate about programming.
I’m still stoked
- I’m excited about the LinkedIn opportunity. I was reading a question on Quora today, where someone answered that life really “unfolds”. That’s very much been the case in my life, and for that, I’m thankful.
For the week
Tomorrow, I’m going to a Sailing club. I officially joined a sailing group for women.
I also have class on Wednesday, and hang out with my mentor (for a tutoring session) on Thursday evening.
Interesting solution to a kata
- Unnamed user solved a kata to make a letter uppercase by this
char makeupper(char letter) {
return letter & ~('a' ^ 'A');
This is very interesting! Is it dereferencing the original value, ‘a’, setting it to the new value ‘A’, and referencing the value?
update Apparently…
is an XOR. Ah.
- An array is inertial if :
- there are odd values
- the max value is even
- every value of odd is more than even values in array
function isInertial(array){
evenarr = []
oddarr = []
var odd = 0 // find out how many odds
var even = Math.max.apply(null, array); // get max value
var greater = 0
// loop through, get odds
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
if (array[i] % 2 !== 0){
odd = odd + 1
if ((array[i] % 2 === 0) && (array[i] !== even)) {
if (array[i] % 2 !== 0 ){
// get min odd value in odds array
var minodd = Math.min.apply(null, oddarr)
// check if every element in even array is less than minodd
function isEvery(i, index, array){
return i < minodd
var a = evenarr.every(isEvery)
// if all three satisfied, array is inertial
if ((odd > 0) && (even % 2 === 0) && (a == true)){
// for every value of odd, make sure larger than even arr
// output if true for
//1. odd > 0 = true
//2. max value is even = true
// every value of odd is more than even values in arr
- if any factor of a number is even, return false. If the input is less than 1, also return false.
function isNormal(n){
// tis so cute `^(~_~)^`
var arr = []
// case where n is less than 1
if (n < 1){
return false
// loop through to find all even factors
// push to array
for (var i = 2; i < n; i++){
if ((n % i === 0) && (i % 2 !== 0)){
// if array is empty, return true
if (arr.length === 0){
Things to be done…
Version 1.1 of my C++ programme
Data Analysis and finish up Nanodegree
And..that’s about it!