Sunday December 17th
Data Science Maths and a Dog!
First things First..a dog!
- She’s my roommate for the next three days! Yes, she is really that adorable! :D
- I finished up a chapter on SQL and have to do a project doing data analysis on some weather information. I’ll complete that this week.
I’ve done some SQL in the past, but it’s really the perfect way to begin a Data Science course. It’s perfect that they began it in this way, with some Excel thrown in. After I complete that, we move into Python and Pandas, etc
I was also able to complete the first week of a Data Science Maths course. I just decided to do it to refresh some of my stats knowledge.
- Lo and behold, it fit in perfectly with an excuse to write LaTeX!
Finish project using SQL and Excel and move on to Python coursework for Nanodegree (numpy, pandas, etc)
Move on to week 2 of Data Science Maths coursework (update): This course is wayyyy easier than I thought it would be, so I’ll have it done by 12/18 or 12/19 latest. (update): DONE :D Yes, that’s 4 weeks of coursework in uhh..four days. A lot of it, as it turns out, is straight up high school review for me. I’ll get the certificate, also. : DONE
I have in the back of my mind, also, two courses in Bayesian statistics. But the Nanodegree is my focus (that is long term, so my goals for finishing chapters and projects are bi-weekly.
Things Of Note
One more thing
I got Haskell book! I probably won’t begin until the New Year, though; I have my hands full right now.
I’m up to 20 students in terms of mentorship, also.
And…that’s about it!
Upcoming Goals
- Finish Nanodegree and continue with deeper understanding of Python
- Dig into Haskellbook
- Do Bayesian Statistics Coursework
- Learn a bit of Vim and more Bash