Thursday June 15th

Data Model, C++ Resources going forward etc


Great advice

  • I got some great advice from the people on functional Slack. C++ is such a great language, and it’s challenging, but there is also a lot of stuff that differs from industry, and that’s frustrating.

  • I also got a list of good resources :

Resources :

Gaming Patterns Book

Stack Overflow C++ Book Guide

  • Good Youtube C++ tutorial stuff

You Tube C++ Tutorials

Physically Based Rendering pdf

Zach Laine “Pragmatic Type Erasure: Solving OOP Problems with Elegant Design Patterns


RAII : Resource Acquisition is Initialization

Ahead of Time Compilation


Halide Talk

I had seen this a few months ago, when looking at Recursion for class : DemoScene GPU15

Gameboy talk

Kata Solved

  • Find number couple with greatest difference. Given in form of an array such as :
diff(["1-11", "2-3"]) 
# should return "1-11"

diff(["3-3", "4-4"])

# should return False 
either if array is empty
or if the difference is 0


def diff(arr):
  arr1 = []
  # find absolute difference
  for i in arr:
  # check that array is not empty, else return False  
  if len(arr) == 0:
      return False
  # Find max difference index in original array
      b = (max(arr1)) 
      if b != 0:
        c = arr1.index(b)
        return arr[c]
        return False


  • If number of lowercase > uppercase, switch entire string to lowercase, else uppercase entire string


def case_unification(n):
    l = 0
    u = 0
    for i in n:
      if i == i.lower():
        l = l + 1 
      elif i == i.upper():
        u = u + 1 
    if l > u:
      return n.lower()
      return n.upper()


  • Find even numbers before a value in an array

  • If value not in array, return -1. If no value, return 0, etc.


function evenNumbersBeforeFixed(sequence, fixedElement) {
      var total = 0;
      var arr = []
      if (!(sequence.includes(fixedElement) === true)){
        var a = sequence.indexOf(fixedElement)
        for (var i = 0; i < a; i++){
          if (sequence[i] % 2 === 0)
            total = total + 1;
      return total


Fit format to match (n) -> “R$ 0,00”


function currencyBRL(number) {
  if (number == null){
    var a = 'R$ 0,00'
    var a = ('R$ ' + number.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,'));
    var a = a.replace(".", ",");
  return a

Should have done that in one regex but…life goals :)

Something about Haggling in Bali…Solution :

function vestBuy(price, haggle)
    if (haggle == "light"){
      return(.80 * price)
    else if (haggle == "medium"){
      return(.70 * price)
    else if (haggle == "heavy"){
      return(.60 * price)
    else if (haggle == "walkandswear"){
      return(.10 * price)

AI (Articial Intelligence/ Data Science)

  • I had started an Artificial Intelligence / Data Science course. We’ll see how it goes. It’s free for now, so why not? I may just become a data-scientist! :)

  • Learned about Corrigibility. See a white paper here Interesting video about this on Computerphile here

Written on June 15, 2017