Tuesday October 24th

Back from Chrome Dev

Hello back from Chrome Dev!

  • It was a fun time!

Here are some pics!


  • You may remember Mariko from her Strange Loop talk “How to Be a compiler!”



He was in a film haha! Left film to work in software

  • Not too shabby.

Leadership Panel

  • We voted on questions. Chris Wilson was the moderator. I really liked Chris’s talk; particularly when he mentiioned Ele.me

Some of the Expo fun outside of the conf

Using Sketchup to Interact with real model with industrial applications

  • I gave this guy at the booth an idea that he may pursue. He was really excited about it!

Downasaur game in real life made with Freescale boards and stepper motors!

Some interesting people with fun laptops

Exceptional Food

After party

  • The World’s Largest Pac-Man!

Street Fighter!

Saxophonist playing with EDM dj!


Great event!

Things going on

  • I have SCNA on Friday
  • I have a C++ midterm project I’m working on
  • Finishing up my Nanodegree
  • Have coding interview question to do (only 2 hours or so)

And..that’s about it!


  • if you can fill an order based on stock, return true else return False. SKUs baby!
def fillable(stock, merch, n):
    for key in stock:
      if merch in stock:
        if key == merch and stock[key] >= n:
          return True
        elif key == merch and stock[key] < n:
          return False
        return False
  • find the distance travelled by an elevator (basically floor before minus floor above in abs value). This was interesting; you could either zip or use list comprehension for this
def elevator_distance(array):
    # use list comprehension
    arr = [array[i - 1] - array[i] for i in range(1, len(array))]
    total = 0
    for i in arr:
      total = total + abs(i)
    return total
  • sum array of all elements that don’t have dupes
def repeats(arr):
    arr1 = []
    arr2 = []
    total = 0
    for i in arr:
      if arr.count(i) == 2:
    for i in arr2:
      total = total + i
    return total
  • check area code, match with region
def detect_operator(num):
    code = (str(num)[1:4])
    if (code == "039"):
      return "Golden Telecom"
    elif (code == "050") or (code == "066") or (code == "095"):
      return "MTS"
    elif (code == "063") or (code == "093"):
      return "Life:)"
    elif (code == "068"):
      return "Beeline"
    elif (code == "099"):
      return "MTS"
    elif (code == "067") or (code == "096") or (code == "097") or (code == "098"):
      return "Kyivstar"
      return "no info"
  • this was unnecessary. Returning type but wasn’t passing. Unexpectedly, got it to pass tests.
def types(x):
      a = ((type(x)))
      return a[8:-2]
      return x
Written on October 24, 2017