Wednesday April 26th

4/26/17 - Hoare and Breaking out


  • Did this tutorial today.


In true “me” style, I always have fun with the messages.


I did this one a while ago called “GnomeRave”, based on a first-person shooter tutorial, in Java.

Gnome Rave

I made the textures and stuff myself.

Breakout cont’d…What I’d like to continue:

  • In terms of the Pong/Breakout game, I started also with adding a second ball, but need to work out the mechanics, etc for it.

  • Strangely, I remember my brother making this when we were younger. He probably used Java. :)

  • Oh, and the bricks were made in Paint, pixel by pixel, etc.

Also some notes on Hoare -> Homework done today

hoare1 hoare2 hoare3


  • I may attend a really interesting talk tonight for Papers We Love, in my local chapter. My mom (I know…I’m ten :) ) doesn’t want me to stay out too late, as I have a cold, so..we’ll see.


It proposes:

Proposition 1:

  • “The only meaningful physical events which occur in the world are represented by the evaluation of observables on states.”

Proposition 2:

  • “Every observable can be regarded as a mapping from states to real numbers.”


  • Yes. Map -> Category Theory.

  • He says “In its purest form, it is called ‘category theory’.

  • “Category theory is a stratified or hierarchical structure without limit, which makes it suitable for modeling the process of modeling itself.”

Things to get done

  • C++ lab (with my partner). I believe it’s another game! :)

  • Logic class new week opened up. Excited. It looks like there is some Hoare in there!


  • I have a little bit of energy, because I’m getting better, and that can be a dangerous thing for me because I like working…a lot.

  • I also bought this neat book a while ago. It arrived and I hope a few people at PWL can see it, perhaps, tonight. It’s on Number Theory. It’s called “Recreations in the Theory of Numbers”, and it’s by Albert H. Beiler.
  • Why did you buy a random Mathematics book, Krystal? Actually, I’m hoping that I can not just understand some of the problems, but solve them computationally (ie using a programming language). That, and well, those kinds of books are very fun!

  • I am also bringing Haskell stickers tonight for my group. Woop!

Other TIL:

  • I learned the Laws of Thermodynamics in high school, but never can recall learning about Onsager reciprocal relations.
Written on April 26, 2017