Tuesday October 8th

Taking time to acknowledge everything

I just completed a Meeting

  • I’ve been poking around the Internet to see what PhD profiles can and do look like. It occurred to me after a one and a half hour long weekend that I haven’t taken the time to acknowledge some of the stuff I’ve done this year.
  • PhDs do that, I guess, so maybe I should too?
  • If you find this confusing, please check out my most up to date CV in the first section of the About page. I tend to list things as I hear about things here, so they’re not necessarily ordered in terms of the months I have to perform such tasks (sorry!).


  • I have been accepted to SLMath’s Summer Graduate School at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory on “Introduction to Quantum-Safe Cryptography”! Absolutely thrilled!
  • Our abstract was accepted to the 10th International Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC-X), which will be held at the Fields Institute in Toronto, Canada (Aug 26-30)! See you there; I’ll be presenting a poster on our work, including some of the progress we’ve made since QIP!
  • I was accepted to attend QSim Summer School. The focus of the 2024 summer school is on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments (Rhode Island, given free housing).
  • I have been accepted as a virtual participant / intern to the Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage (C2QA) QIS 102: Applied Quantum Computing Summer School at Brookhaven National Laboratory (June 10 - June 28, 2024), where I also receive a weekly stipend for my participation!
  • I have been selected to participate in the 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) from Sept 22nd to 27th in Heidelberg, Germany! In terms of the candidacy: “Applicants are subject to a highly competitive selection process, hand-picked by international experts who are appointed by the following award-granting institutions: The Association for Computing Machinery, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and the International Mathematical Union. Each successfully completed application is reviewed by at least three international reviewers, with the top 100 candidates in each discipline issued an invitation.” I am SO excited!!!
  • I will be participating in the American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) workshop on “Post Quantum Group-Based Cryptography” in Pasadena, California (April-May), with funding (lodging covered, $750 for flight)! Thank you so much and see you there!
  • Our paper from the Women in Number Theory (WIN) workshop on “Machine Learning for Modular Multiplication” is live and can be accessed here.
  • The workshop was also featured for International Women’s Day and I made it into the last photo of the article link
  • My application to Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Research Symposium (USTARS) was accepted; I will be presenting a poster there and was granted funding (meals, flight, lodging) via the University of Iowa.
  • I will be participating in the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics’ “Formal Mathematics” workshop in Lean in May (with housing covered and funding for flight!)! I’m thrilled!
  • I will be giving a talk at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in April on Isogenies meets Formal Methods!
  • My guest post, posted April 11th for the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Graduate Student Blog is here!
  • Our abstract, entitled “Post-Quantum Secure Recursive Proofs of Isogeny Knowledge with Reduced Time Complexity” got accepted to Quantum Information Processing (QIP) 2024! I also applied for and received a student stipend to attend!
  • I will be a Visiting Student Researcher at the Simons Institute for their Fault Tolerance Quantum Coding workshop and Error-Correcting Codes bootcamp from Jan 22nd to Feb 16th in Berkeley, California! During my time there, I participated in the Cryptography Codes reading group, the Reed Muller Codes reading group and the Pseudorandomness reading group.
  • I will also gave a well-received 10-minute talk at Simons (Jan 26th at 2:30pm) during our Error-Correcting Codes session!
  • I’m taking a class on Algebraic Graph Theory and Quantum Computation at the University of Waterloo, with permission from the instructor! As a result of this class, I was invited to attended Godsil75, a celebration of the professor’s birthday, with lots of interesting talks at the intersection of Graph Theory, Algebra and Quantum!
  • I also attended a mini course on “Meanders and meandric systems” relating to quantum gravity and graphs, as part of a larger session on “Randomness and Geometry” via the Fields Institute (virtually).
  • I will be attending High Assurance Cryptographic Software (HACS) 2024, which is a workshop that precedes Real World Crypto (RWC) 2024 in Toronto, CA and focuses on the intersection of Cryptography and Formal Methods, this year specifically related to Post-Quantum Cryptography! I have received funding ($1200 worth) and free registration to attend! Thank you so much to the organizers!
  • I will be interning at Visa Research for Summer 2024 as a Staff Research Scientist intern in Foster City, CA! I will be working with the Advanced Cryptography team!
  • I have been invited to our group presentation at the QC+AI Meetup to talk about our recent Quantum Hackathon submission (work done from August-November), where we are one of the top scoring teams…and eventually won the Quantum Hackathon!!
  • Our Quantum Hackathon team gave a talk on our work for the Hackathon on Thursday 29th 2024! link
  • I will be attending the Arizona Winter School (AWS) on Abelian Varieties in Tucson, Arizona, where I have been assigned to Silverman’s working group! I’m thrilled!
  • We gave a 20 minute talk on our findings for our project at the Arizona Winter School (AWS), for Silverman’s working group. Project III. We hope to continue and write up our results after the workshop! (link to paper TBD).
  • I am regularly attending a Group Representation Theory Course Meetup weekly and the Maths for Physicists Meetup weekly with some fellow Californians; our group is a mix of people with Physics backgrounds, Mathematics backgrounds and Computer Science backgrounds.
  • I will be on the 100th episode of Corecursive! What an honour! UwU
  • I was invited to and attended Goldman Sachs’ Women’s Possibilities 2024 Summit, where I received a mentor from GS after the successful completion of the Summit.
  • I will be co-organizing the Tiny Papers Workshop (We strike back!) in Vienna, Austria, as part of ICLR 2024.
  • I will be attending “Connecting Heavy Tails and Differential Privacy in Machine Learning” (virtually; was given the option to attend in-person or virtual), organized by the Alan Turing Institute and the Newton Gateway to Mathematics in London, UK for their Open for Business day.
  • I will be DEI Co-chair of AISTATS in Valencia, Spain. I subsequently stepped down, along with my co-organizer, because of irreconcilable differences :)
  • I am an invited reviewer for AAAI-Privacy Preserving AI workshop (2024).


  • I passed my elliptic curves qual! (June 14th at 1:30pm). Thank you Silverman, and my bird studying mascott, Verschiebung McFlocland!
  • I received the Southwest Quantum Information and Technology (SQuInT) Fellowship! I will be attending this workshop in Albuquerque, New Mexico! (Fellowship pays for registration, hotel, flight).
  • I will be attending the Banff Isogeny-based graphs research workshop hosted by de Quehen, Petit and Martindale! Our assigned research topic concerns expander graphs (of course!) as they relate to isogeny-based cryptography! Excited to be back in Banff!
  • I have received acceptance to the quantum project research class, where I will be working on a Quantum Backtracking algorithms project, with the intention of producing a joint manuscript by the end of the term. This is the first time the class is being run, and I was 1 out of 80 accepted group participants (total of 33 groups), with mentorship from a PI. I’m thrilled!
  • I received a Fellowship to attend the Institute of Logic and Data Science’s Coq and Lean School, which is co-located with the Working Formal Methods Symposium (FROM) 2023, in Bucharest!
  • I’ve been accepted as a student volunteer (SV) for IEEE Quantum Computation and Engineering (QCE), which will be in Bellevue, Washington! See you there!
  • I am an invited participant to the Pre-Arizona winter school! The group to which I am assigned is “Abelian varieties over finite fields”
  • I am an invited participant / future prospective faculty to the Pathways to RIT computing edition!
  • I will be attending GREPSEC in Anaheim 2023 at USENIX! Say hi if you’re there! Excited to be there in-person!
  • I have been invited to Adobe Research’s Experience Day 2023!
  • I have been invited to Goldman Sachs’ HackerRank Prep for their 2024 roles!
  • I have received a grant to attend SOUPS at USENIX, so I will be at USENIX 2023 in Anaheim from August 6th through the 8th!
  • I’ve been invited to be a reviewer for the Algorithmic Fairness through the Lens of Time workshops at NeurIPS 2023
  • I have been invited to be a reviewer for the Black in AI Workshop at NeurIPS 2023.
  • I will be attending the Twelfth Summer School on Formal Techniques + FMiTF Bootcamp (with funding!), to be held in Atherton, where I will be learning about the Vampire Theorem Prover, TPTP, Alloy, PVS and attending a session hosted by Lamport on Paxos! I am super stoked!
  • I will be participating in the QClass Quantum 23/24 class online, covering everything from Algorithms, Quantum Key Distribution, Error-Correcting Codes and Quantum Games, among other topics. It is also in preparation for my qual on Quantum Algorithms, which I will be working on this semester.
  • I will be participating virtually in the Summer of Quantum workshop by the Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS)
  • I will be participating in the Rethinking Number Theory workshop! Super stoked for this opportunity; my assigned research group is one on coding theory, which I am super stoked about!
  • I will be attending the RoUdy Reunion from last summer’s Roots of Unity workshop in Pasadena at the American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) at Caltech in August!!!
  • Our team’s proposal was accepted into the Quantum Hackathon! Excited as this will be my first!
  • I was accepted into the Zaiku’s Software Verification class. The group focuses on reasoning about Quantum systems, and in particular, this six week class focuses on Software Verification using Functional Programming and using Lean 3, specifically.
  • I’m attending PCMI’s Graduate Summer School on Quantum Computation (with full-funding). I’m mega-hyped!!!
  • I’m attending the Arizona Winter School, “Unlikely Intersections” in Tucson, AZ, assigned to the “Point Counting and Applications” group (by J. Pila).
  • I’ve been accepted to attend the “Machine-Checked Proofs” workshop at the Lorentz Center in Leiden (the Netherlands), which will be on Lean!
  • I’m also going to be attending the Machine Assisted Proofs (MAP) workshop at IPAM
  • I will be attending the research workshop at WIN6 in Banff, Canada (assigned to the Machine Learning and Mathematics / AI for Mathematics research group)! I’m tremendously excited for all of these opportunities!
  • I’m attending MSRI’s “Algebraic Cycles, L-Values and Euler Systems” virtually (was invited to attend in-person but opted for virtual attendance).
  • I’m finishing up reviewing a (Haskell) book and
  • I was also invited to do a podcast talking about my (non-internship) Bitcoin research work over summer!
  • I will be on the PC Committee (and review) for the Safe and Trustworthy AI workshop at the International Conference on Logic Programming (ICALP)!
  • I attended the Two Sigma Quant Talks (1/24) and (2/23) by invitation.
  • I attended the RIMS workshop on Zeta functions and their representations virtually.
  • I got a shoutout for Women’s International Day by Technovation.
  • I will be at UT Austin over summer at the iSchool Inclusion Institute (I3) teaching a “Computational Tools” class for 10 days! I am OVER THE MOON excited for the opportunity!!!
  • I will be participating in the LXAI at CVPR Mentorship Program as a mentee!
  • I have been invited to LuCaNT at ICERM, which focuses on LMFDB, Computation and Number Theory! (with funding!).
  • I have been invited to High Assurance Cryptographic Software (HACS), a post-quantum focused verification workshop at Real World Crypto (Japan) 2023! (This conflicts with WIN for me, but I’m working with organizers (and a mentor) to catch up on the material, for which I’m super grateful!)
  • Our abstract was accepted to CrossFyre at Eurocrypt, the workshop on “Cryptography, Robust and Provably Secure Schemes for Female Young Researchers”; I will present a poster on my post-quantum cryptography work in Lyon, France (received funding for flight, registration and accommodation, courtesy of sponsor PQ-Shield)!
  • I was invited to the virtual RIT Pathways day, to meet with faculty! I’m honoured! (puts on tweed suit with swanky shoes) :D
  • Continuing with Quantum Computing Book club (2022-2023)! There may also be an opportunity to do some Quantum Formalism with the group, too.
  • The ICLR Tiny Papers Track has been announced and will be happening, as part of our DEI initiative this year (thanks to lovely collaborators Tom and Rosanne!), after having worked tirelessly over the last few months. Check it out here. And yes, you’ll find me in Kigali this year (please say hi)!


  • I have been invited to be a reviewer for the Practical ML for Developing Countries Workshop (PML4DC) at ICLR 2022
  • I reviewed a Haskell book and a Haskell article!
  • I will be on an upcoming episode of Corecursive! (x4: New Year’s episode, April Fool’s episode, May episode for June 1st episode, another episode in July or August?) :)
  • I will be giving a talk at the “Math for Math’s Sake” Meetup, giving a lightning talk on isogenies.
  • I will be giving an Isogenies talk (and a bit of context for my research) for CSRMP’s Alumni Research panel. I will also be a panelist for their Alumni panel!
  • I have been invited to be a reviewer for the Tapia Conference 2022.
  • I have been invited to be a reviewier for the Black in AI Conference at NeurIPS 2022.
  • I was invited to and participated in Jane Street’s Preview Program, in which we played Trading Games / learned about Game Shows in a mathematical way. I loved it!
  • I have been invited to virtually participate in the BIRS workshop on Algebraic Methods in Coding Theory and Communications.
  • I have been invited to virtually participate in the Arizona Winter School in Number Theory. Our group has been assigned a mentor, as part of our study group.
  • I will be on the MSR RLOS website of alumni.
  • I have been chosen as a BlackComputeHER Fellow (2022-2023). I am honoured!
  • I have been assigned two mentors for Microsoft’s Tech Resilience Programme.
  • I received a Grant to attend PEPR (Privacy Engineering Practice and Respect) at S&P Oakland!
  • I get a mention about our project in a writeup by our mentor in the B!tMEX Research blog (for Summer of B!tc0in)! How cool!
  • I have been assigned a Facebook Research mentor from NCWIT’s AiC Program!
  • I have been invited to Asana’s AsanaLaunch Technical Prep Series.
  • My research proposal for Summer of Bitc0in has been accepted; research ahoy on my first Bitc0in paper!
  • I will be attending Discrete Maths Days with some awesome Combinatorics people this year in person!
  • I will be attending the Roots of Unity workshop, assigned to the Arithmetic Geometry group (with full-funding!). I will also be attending the AWM Research Symposium that will follow up to June 19th!
  • I was invited to the PCMI IAS/Park City Maths Institute Summer Graduate school on Computation Number Theory (with full-funding)!
  • Our paper is being featured in the Montreal AI Ethics Institute (MAIEI) newsletter!
  • They really liked the mess we made of ICLR 2022, and asked us to do it again, and we said yes to Part Deux in 2023!
  • Check out our opening remarks at ICLR’s conference this year (virtual), as well as the workshop ware hosting for first-time submitters and others traditionally underrepresented in research!
  • I completed a Research internship at JP Morgan’s AI Research group, where I also gave 3 talks this summer!
  • I have been accepted to EC22’s Algorithmic Game Theory Mentorship Program at EC22!
  • I have received a scholarship (courtesy BNY Mellon) to attend the Tapia Conference (flight, registration, hotel for 3 days)! I will be presenting a poster on our isogenies work there and attending the Doctoral Consortium, where I will be giving a 45 minute talk on Isogenies!; please say hi! This will be my first in-person poster conference so I am kind of nervous but excited!!! (since most of this has been remote because of COVID). It means a lot to me; I am STOKED!
  • I will be giving a talk at Basis.AI.
  • I received a complimenatary registration to attend EAAMO22 virtually! (I received a travel award!) I will also be participating in the Doctoral Consortium relating to feedback on some of the work I did over summer!
  • I’ve been invited to be a reviewer for the Causality workshop at NeurIPS22.
  • I’ve been invited to be a reviewer for the Privacy Preserving AI workshop at AAAI23
  • I completed a Spotlight interview as 1 of 11 BlackComputeHer fellows for 2022-2023!
  • I received word that I received a spot in 2023’s Preliminary Arizona Winter School in the “Introduction to Model Theory with Applications” course!
  • I have been invited to the EAAMO Doctoral Consortium.
  • I have been invited to present a poster at EAAMO as part of their Doctoral Consortium.
  • I received word that my talk on PoA based on work we did this summer was accepted so I will be presenting that at our school’s CS Research day mid-September! I tied for 2nd place at this competition! Great team work!
  • I will be giving a total of four talks in August, submitting a paper and slides for a 45-minute talk and a poster presentation in September! Busy times!
  • I have been featured as 1 of 3 scholars in PLMW Perspectives! I will be featured for SPLASHCON’s PLMW via video, too! Since PLMW was my path to grad school, I am honoured!
  • I was invited to (and attended) Scale AI’s, BNY Mellon’s event on Bots & Biases, Palo Alto Networks’ Rock Your Resume event and Unity Technology’s recruiting events
  • I was invited to Adobe’s Experience Research Day Track (Emerging Devices).
  • I’m giving a talk at LearnTeachCode / WomenWhoCode’s Lightning talks on SageMath / Pure Math computation on Graph Theory :)
  • I gave a talk on the bitcoin research project at CSRMP’s Alumni talks.
  • I was accepted (with funding!) to WIN6! I will be in the Machine Learning and Arithmetic group, led by Lauter and Newton (2023) in Banff, Canada (at BIRS! I am over the moon excited!!
  • I have been accepted (with funding!) to IPAM’s Machine Assisted Proofs workshop next year! I am stoked!!!
  • I attended Meta’s United Scholars Program for PhD Researchers 2022 at their HQ! I am honoured!


  • I (apparently?) won a Best Poster award at the Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer (held in Winter) School. Specifically, it’s in the Brilliant Idea Category!! So cool! I know, I’m shocked too! :) I’d love to continue to earn more “Brilliant idea” awards! :)
  • I got a grant to attend the USENIX Enigma Conference!
  • I have been accepted to the 2020-2021 class of Google’s CS Research Mentorship Program (CSRMP)!
  • I have been accepted to the 2021 CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women, which will be held remotely. I will be presenting a poster there.
  • I have been invited to be a reviewer for the Distributed and Private Machine Learning (DPML) workshop at ICLR 2021
  • I have been accepted to participate in the FAccT Doctoral Consortium 2021!
  • I have been invited to be a reviewer for the Practical ML for Developing Countries Workshop (PML4DC) at ICLR 2021
  • I have been invited to be a reviewier for Tapia 2021
  • A quote from myself has been featured in the Black Girls CODE the Future Coloring Book! I am truly honoured! :)
  • I’ve been invited to attend JP Morgan’s Advancing Black Pathways in Data Science event
  • I’m showing a pop-up book related to Maths that I made a while ago at Brown’s SUMS event, for PI day, under the theme “Math and Illusion” :)
  • I’m taking an Artificial Worldbuilding class on genetic algorithms, cellular automata and reinforcement learning through Hyperlink Academy
  • I participated (1 of 20) in the AI and Cybersecurity workshop at the Alan Turing Institute
  • I have been invited to speak on a panel at the Algol Conference 2021
  • I have been accepted to SICSS Howard-Mathematica’s summer workshop :) (I had to decline because I am at capacity this summer)
  • I will be participating in the Isogeny-based Cryptography Winter school 2021
  • I am an NCWIT Change Leader Scholar 2021
  • I have been accepted to be a participant at the Reinforcement Learning Open Source Festival via Microsoft Research this summer! Excited to contribute to open source!!!
  • I have been invited to participate in the Environmental Enablers for AI challenges in Cybersecurity” workshop at the Alan Turing Institute
  • Our group won one of the top prizes, Best Visualization, at the OC RUG Data Hackathon!
  • I’ve been accepted to attend TwoSigma’s Mock Intervew Day for Women in STEM for their Quantitative Research track
  • I have been accepted to Block III of Gitcoin’s Kernel Fellowship, and supported with a Scholarship for Women! I’m so thankful for this group!
  • I’ll be attending the 4th Annual ZK-Proof workshop :)
  • I’ve been invited to be a DEI co-chair for ICLR 2022.
  • I’ve been invited as a reviewer for GHC 2021.
  • I have been accepted to the Nordic Probabilistic AI (ProbAI) summer workshop 2021! I will be presenting a poster of my work there, too! :)
  • I’ve been asked to be a reviewier for the BlackAIR summer research grant workshop 2021
  • I’ll be attending the CHIMe workshop 2021
  • I’ve received a free ticket to attend WISP’s Privacy+Security Conference :) I’ll be taking the De-identification and EU Privacy and Law tracks.
  • I’ve been chosen as 1 of 60 for the NCWIT AiC Connections Mentorship Programme and have been matched with a Facebook AI Research Advisor!
  • I have been invited to the Alan Turing Institute’s workshops on Key Themes for Informing a Research Roadmap (part 5) and also session 6 of their Threats and Opportunities for AI in Cyber Security, with keynote by B. Schneier (session 6).
  • I received a Student Travel Award to attend IEEE S&P Oakland 2021. I’m thrilled.
  • I have been invited to be a mentor for the Career Girls AI Summer Camp 2021!
  • I have been invited to be a panelist for the Technovation AI Prize 2021
  • I have been interviewed by the MacArthur Foundation for their piece of the impact of BAI!
  • I have been invited to speak at the BlackAIR Summer Grant Program, which is affiliated with Stanford University
  • I have been invited to speak at Code2040’s 2021 Alumni Program!
  • I’ve been invited to attend Google’s PhD Fellowship summit this year. I’m excited!
  • I have received a placement in the She256 Mentorship programme with a mentor who focuses on ZK Snarks, for the next 6 months! I am excited to learn all the things!
  • I’ve been invited to participate in Facebook’s Above and Beyond Computer Science Amplified edition, for PhDs!
  • I have been chosen as 1 of 2 persons to say Congratulations and how the work and life journey of Dr. Gladys West has impacted me, to Dr. Gladys West, courtesy of NCWIT’s Pioneer Award!
  • I’ve been accepted to GREPSEC V, which is an Early Career Workshop for graduate students in Security and Privacy. Acceptance also will provide me with a ticket to USENIX Security 2021, so I’ll be attending that, too!
  • I havce been assigned a mentee via WISP’s Mentor-Mentee Programme! I’m very happy with my match! :)
  • I’m attending USENIX Security 2021 (my first!)!!!!
  • I’m participating in the Galois Summer School on Trustworthy Machine Learning!!! Super excited does happy dance
  • I got a scholarship via WISP and Black Hat to attend Black Hat USA’s briefing! (it’s been my dream for a decade to attend this conference!)
  • I’ve been invited to attend Bloomberg’s Decoded Recruiting Event!
  • I’ve been invited to be a reviewier for AFCI at NeurIPS!
  • I’ve successfully completed RLOSFest, and gave my final presentation on August 3rd!
  • I will be speaking on a podcast with S. Hanselman
  • I received a scholarship from Google to attend this year’s GHC Conference!
  • I’ve been accepted to JP Morgan’s Advancing Black Pathways in AI & Quantitative Modeling Summit
  • I’ve been invited to (and will attend) Fb’s Virtual Vivid in Research event for PhD students
  • I have been funded to attend the Upstate Number Theory Conference 2021!
  • The episode I did on Hanselminutes came out! :)
  • The article on MacArthur Foundation’s Commitment to Diversification in AI came out, and I’m quoted in it :)
  • I have been invited to be a reviewer for the AFCR (Accountability, Fairness, Causality and Robustness) conference at NeurIPS
  • I have been invited to be a reviewer for the Black in AI workshop at NeurIPS
  • I will be participating in community-driven-crypto, a joint seminar for participants in cryptography, privacy and security.
  • I am giving a talk on Isogenies at the CSRMP alumni Research showcase! (yay isogenies!!!!)
  • I have been accepted as an NCWIT Collegiate Award Finalist based on my isogenies proposal and my profile!
  • I have been chosen as a mentee for the LXAI mentorship program at NeurIPS 2021!
  • I am doing a podcast with Corecursive that airs in 2022!
  • I have been invited to review a Haskell pedogogical book. I’m grateful for the opportunity!
  • I am giving a talk at Brown (on Privacy and Fairness) for their Fair February seminar in 2022!
  • I was invited to a recruiting event and tech talk (1 of 14 persons chosen) for Hudson River Trading (HRT)
  • I have accepted a Summer Research Internship for summer 2022 (1 of 10) and am SUPER excited about it!!!!


  • I received an Invitation to attend TechTogetherBoston2020, Boston’s Largest All-Female Hackathon [ Jan ]
  • I received an Invitation to attend WiHacks, RIT’s all-female and non-binary 24-hour hackathon [ Jan ]
  • I’m giving a talk at the Women in Data Science Meetup on Feb 3rd on Why Conferences Matter (inspired by Neurips) [ Feb ]
  • I’m TA-ing two classes in Spring; one is a Compilers course in Haskell, and another CS basics (Advanced Web Design) course [ Jan - May ]
  • I was invited to be on a panel for FAccT, but could not get my visa in order in time, so had to decline [ Jan ]
  • I am a member of the OpenMined Women of OpenMined group; we have a study group where we learn about Differential Privacy and work up to contributing to the OpenMined codebase and take part in competitions (most members are in grad school or seasoned researchers/engineers). We are currently involved in a general AI/Differential Privacy study group for Women, and another for going through the FastAI coursework (both are book-club/study groups), NLP, and learning about homomorphic encryption [ Jan ] [ May ]
  • I’m working with a team of 5 researchers (mostly located on the East Coast) to plan the Black in AI lunch event on Sunday Feb 9th at AAAI this year. [ Jan ]
  • I will also be a panelist and mentor for Try AI during the AAAI conference, which is half a day of mentorship for young women to encourage them to study STEM and AI/ML [ Jan ]
  • I received funding to attend ICERM’s “Variable Precision in Mathematical and Scientific Computing” at Brown University from May 6th through the 8th [ Jan ]
  • I’m a reviewer for the Tapia Conference Workshops and Panels (two rounds) [ Feb ] [ May ]
  • I’m a reviewer for the ICLR 2020 PML4DC Workshop [ Feb ]
  • I received an invitation to give a 2 minute talk and present a poster at CMU for their AI for Social Good Symposium [ Feb ]
  • I’ve been invited to become a Committee member for the HCI GHC (Grace Hopper Conference) 2020 track (two rounds) [ March ][ April ]
  • I received a grant to attend MSRI’s Optimal Transport and Applications to Machine Learning and Statistics Workshop [ March ]
  • I’ve been invited to do a podcast for Corecursive [ March ]
  • I am a member of the MD4SG Education Working group, which meets every other week and has a private Fb group to discuss papers, research, plans moving forward [ March ]
  • I received a pass to attend the NVIDIA GTC Deep Learning Institute’s workshop on “Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection (LDLIW2249)”, which is courtesy of Black in AI and LXAI [ March ]
  • I became part of the Open-Mined writing team, and will work with others to produce technical articles and blog posts involving Deep Learning and Differential Privacy, among other things [ March ]
  • I’m working my way through the DeepLearning.ai Specialization to complement my Machine Learning and Research coursework; I completed course 1 (Neural Networks and Deep Learning) , 2 (Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization), 3 (Structuring Machine Learning Projects) [ April ]
  • I’ve been selected to attend the Bloomberg Women in Engineering two-day event (which is now virtual) [ April ]
  • I’ve been selected as a volunteer for ICLR, which will be virtual this year [ April ] (*)
  • I received Financial Aid to attend SciPy 2020, which is now virtual [ April ]
  • I was offered a BRAID Funded Scholarship to attend the Grace Hopper Conference 2020. This will include accommodation during the conference, with the group. I accepted :) I’m thankful to my school and for BRAID for this opportunity [ April ]
  • I have been accepted as an NCWIT Change Leader Scholar (CLS) pending my attendance in their introductory session. The Change Leader Scholarship Programme guides students to become leaders within their communities, particularly as women in STEM. It culminates in a Summit that is usually held in person, but will be held virtually this year [ April ]
  • I have been invited to co-host Kaggle e-days (Data Science and Machine Learning events/ talks, etc). [ April ]
  • I received word that I was successfully matched (1 of 30) for the Lighthouse3 Women in AI Ethics Mentorship Programme. In response, I will have to not only communicate with my mentor (who is based in SF), but this result in a published article about my experience [ May ]
  • I received an ALife Conference Student Scholarship award to attend the virtual conference this year! [ May ]
  • I have been featured in The Women of Silicon Valley: Caribbean Techies. It talks about my journey into tech.
  • I’m attending the NASA Formal Methods 2020 conference (now virtual), including their sessions on AI for Safety and their Workshop on Formal Methods for Cryptographic Proofs [ May ]
  • I was asked to be a programme committee member and reviewer for the LXAI workshop at ICML [ May ]
  • I was chosen (1 of 18) to attend the online version of the Dark Matters workshop at the School for Poetic Computation, which is being taught by American Artist, and covers issues of technology, surveillance, and ethics [ May ]
  • I was selected for the LXAI Research Mentorship Programme for ICML, which entails being matched with a senior research scientist in AI and meeting with them until ICML to discuss career goals, mentorship in research [ May ]
  • I am participating as a mentee for S&P/Oakland’s Speed Mentoring. Such a great idea for young researcher/senior research interaction! [ May ]
  • I’m being funded through a Fellowship grant courtesy of an Award (for one student, based on research I was already working on with my advisor, from a proposal my advisors submitted) given to us by Amazon. This should be for approximately 2 years [ May ]
  • I have been asked to speak on a panel for Career Girls Virtual AI Camp in July [ May ]
  • I will be attending the IPAM Fall workshop on Safe Operation of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Fleets, which is on thinking of provably safe ways to keep large datasets safe, and is part of the larger workshop “Mathematical Challenges and Opportunities for Autonomous Vehicles” [ Jun ]
  • I’ve been chosen as a mentee for the AGT Mentorship Workshop (AMW) 2020 as part of the Economics and Computation (EC 2020) conference, in which the goal is to mentor students considering a research career in Economics and Computation, particularly who either have come from developing countries or live in developing countries for their unique perspectives [ June ]
  • I’ve been invited to register and volunteer for ICML [ June ]
  • I’ve been invited to speak on a panel about AI/ML for M@M (Morehouse @ Momentum Coding School) for Juneteenth weekend [ June ]
  • I’ve been invited to be the on the 2020 WiML organizing committee as the Senior Program and Mentorship Co-Chair for NeurIPS [ June ]
  • I’ve been invited to be a volunteer for the ACL 2020 (Association for the field of Computational Linguistics)! I am STOKED! [ June ]
  • I’ve been invited to be a volunteer for ICFP 2020 (International Conference of Functional Programming)! [ June ]
  • I have been asked by WiML to be a Session Facilitator for one of their ICML workshops on “Recommender Systems Research in Industry” [ June ]
  • I received a WiML Travel Fund grant for ICML 2020, courtesy of Quantum Black (A McKinsey Company) [ June ]
  • I have been asked to speak at the STSI STEAM/STEM camp [ July ]
  • I have been invited to moderate a panel the Transform 2020 event [ July ]
  • I will be co-planning a casual ACL Black in AI Social [ July ]
  • I received word that I received the TechX Social Impact / Harvard Franklin Fellowship. I’m super stoked! [ July ]
  • I received a Microsoft Scholarship for a Udacity course online [ July ]
  • I am judging the DataKind/ Data.org Global Challenge [ July ]
  • I received a Women of Color in Technology Complimentary Registration for GHC (that’s the Grace Hopper Conf, not the Haskell compiler :D) [ July ]
  • I was asked to speak for the Women of Silicon Valley podcast [ July ]
  • The article on VentureBeat about the panel I moderated and my wrapup is released. [ July ]
  • I was invited to the PL+HCI Swimmer School and will be attending virtually [ July ]
  • I was invited to the IBM Qiskit Quantum school and will be attending virtually [ July ]
  • I will be attending the “Frontiers of Machine Learning” conference (supposed to be in Redmond, now remote) by MSR [ July ]
  • I am involved in a Grant Proposal with the SageMaths group (as Key Personnel) [ July ]
  • I’ve been invited to Adobe’s Open House Recruiting (Invite Only) [ July ]
  • I was invited to become a Board Member for an AI and Ethics Journal [ July ]
  • Our paper (on which I am first author!) on Fairness using Provable Privacy has been accepted for the MD4SGD Conference! Hooray! [ August ]
  • I am taking three classes from Hyperlink Academy; one in which I will be making a book with Racket and another where we recreate periods in Art History using GUIs, and one on Conlang [ August, October ]
  • I have been asked to speak at the EGG on Air Conference [ August ]
  • I am taking a course on The Laws of Digital Data, Content and Artificial Intelligence (for fun) [ August ]
  • I am a Code2040 Essay Reviewer for 2021’s Cohort [ August ]
  • My advisor convinced me to apply (yet again!) to speak at my school’s Research Day on our work. I’ll be talking about the paper we recently wrote, as well as some of our empirical work [ August ]
  • I won a raffle ticket courtesy of Google Research to attend ECCV 2020! [ August ]
  • I received a D&I ticket to attend KDD 2020, which is virtual! [ August ]
  • I’ve been matched with an ICFP 2020 mentor! She’s wonderful! [ August ]
  • I started contributing to the Wiki Page WikiProject: Women in Red / AI Ethics Project. I’ve contributed to the ACM Climate Change project before (2 years ago), so I have a Wiki account already :) [ August]
  • I am a Logistics co-organizer (1 of 3) for the Black in AI @ NeurIPS workshop 2020 [ August ]
  • I gave a talk at a really wonderful group teaching Python for Beginners! [ September ]
  • I received an NCWIT Bloomberg GHC Grant [ September ]
  • I participated in the Git Inclusion Summit; about making Open Source a better, more equitable place [ September ]
  • I signed up for Interaccess’s workshops in Parametric Thinking with Images (Grasshopper 3D) and Generating Images with Shaders (GLSL) [ September ]
  • I have been accepted to the M2L / Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School. I will be presenting a poster there! (Winter Cohort) [ September ]
  • I received a grant through MSRI to attend SACNAS 2020 [ September ]
  • I will be presenting a bit of the work I proposed as my thesis research project at the next Mechanism Design for Social Good Data Economies and Governance meeting as a short talk with discussion (15 minutes) [ Oct ]
  • I have been invited to be a reviewer for AFCI2020, a workshop at NeurIPS 2020 [ September ]
  • I have been invited to be a reviewer for the BAI@NeurIPS workshop 2020 [ October ]
  • I have been invited to be the keynote speaker for a 10 minute talk on Fairness in Data at the MIT Hacking Racism in Healthcare Challenge [ October ]
  • I will be promoting BAI in a podcast [ October ]
  • I will be on a panel for a cross-institution PhD event [ November ]
  • I will be speaking at Amazon Science with my advisor [ December ]
  • I will be interning at Microsoft next summer ie 2021 [ October ]
  • My artwork and writing was accepted to the First Resistance AI Workshop at NeurIPS (I will be presenting a poster!) [ October ]
  • Our paper was accepted as a poster for AFCI (Algorithmic Fairness through the lens of Causality and Interpretability) at NeurIPS (congrats Miss Ivy! :) [ October ]
  • I am giving a talk for some students at Morgan State University, in conjunction with EGG [ November ]
  • I was accepted to the Winter Institute in Computational Social Science hosted by the University of Arizona (WICSS), which will be held in Jan 2021 [ November ]
  • I will be attending the 2020 SOCML session for Privacy and ML, moderated by U. Erlingsson, organized by I. Goodfellow. I am on 2 hours of sleep but happy! [ December ]
  • I am taking two classes from Hyperlink Academy in 2021: Esoteric Programming Theory and Design Neighbourhood Scale Software and a Digital Privacy Legal course at school [ December ]
  • I am co-organizing an event with Prof Jenkins and and BIC [ December ]
  • A reading of our work from the Dark Matters Zine will be on Montez Press Radio in 2021 (previous guests have been S. Browne) [ December ]
  • I have been accepted to the Jane Street PhD Symposium and will be presenting the research I’ve been working on in a 10 to 15 minute presentation in January. Stoked! [ December ]
  • I am doing a YT interview, “Tech Girl Thursdays” [ December ]
  • I am doing an interview on our research for OM TBD [ December ]


  • I wrapped up / completed a local internship in El Segundo [ Jan ]
  • I attended a workshop at MSRI on Derived Algebraic Geometry [ Feb ]
  • I participated in NASA’s L’Space Level One Proposal/ Grant writing workshop [ Jan ]
  • I interned at Apple, starting Feb 11th, ending May 31st [ Feb to May ]
  • I attended a Number Theory Conference at Cornell [ April ]
  • I participated in NASA’s L’Space Concept Proposal Academy [ April ]
  • I attended Google I/O after receiving a subsidized ticket courtesy of Women Techmakers [ May ]
  • I interned at Mercury, starting on June 3rd, and ending August 9th [ June to Aug ]
  • I attended a conference at the Simons Institute in Berkeley on Error Correcting Codes and Encryption [ June ]
  • I attended Racket School, a PL workshop where we build a language from the ground up in a week [ July ]
  • I attended Curry On, a PL conference in London [ July ]
  • I was accepted as a Code2040 Finalist (1 of 292) and Fellow (1 of 80) [ July ][ Nov ]
  • I obtained a Twilio Signal Conference Scholarship and attended Signal [ Aug ]
  • I gave a talk on My First Panic, at Github’s SF office, through Sentry’s Community Show and Tell night [ Aug ]
  • Flew back to LA and packed everything in a week, and started orientation/ school the following Monday [ Aug to Sept ]
  • I was accepted for a Research Proposal group through NASA (called L’Space NPWEE) that meets weekly. I am the Project Manager for this group. (That’s been my Tuesday evenings, even though we are also on Whatsapp and communicate pretty frequently for scheduling meetings, etc. We also use Trello, etc) [ July to present ]
  • I started attending meetings on Wednesdays for my school’s research project [ Sept to present ]
  • I started TA-ing a Matlab class, with office hours and TA hours pretty much on Thursdays. It’s been a mix of showing up to two classes back to back, holding 2 hours of office hours and grading assignments. [ Sept to present ]
  • I gave a presentation for my summer group’s research project in my first week of attending classes for our CS Research Day. The audience included faculty from our department and the Department Chair (how about that for your first week!) [ Sept ]
  • I gave another talk a week and a half later to our local CS Club on Google Summer of Code and Internships [ Sept ]
  • I gave another (shorter) talk this Wednesday for our CS Club on Open Source projects involving Mathematics [ Oct ]
  • I attended the Google Developer Student Lead Summit in Sunnyvale (all expenses paid by Google) [ Oct ]
  • I gave another talk to a senior class on Interviewing, Job-hunting, Finances (basically life advice) [ Oct ]
  • I received a Udacity Technology Scholarship powered by Bertelsmann for their AI track, specifically the “Intro to Deep Learning with Pytorch” course. Will probably do this over the winter break [ Nov ]
  • I received an Opportunity to attend both Twitter’s MLFlock events for PhD ML students in Boston and New York; I attended the event in New York City on Academia to Industry and Twitter technology [ Nov ]
  • I accepted an internship via Code2040 to work at Autodesk’s Pier 9 for Summer 2020. I’m super excited. There are robots and there is data there, and my team is amazing! [ Nov ]
  • I was interviewed by an organization called Career Girls (Boston) at MIT for support of women in STEM [ Nov ]
  • I received a travel grant through the NSF to attend Sage Days, which is about contributing to SageMath, open source software for Computational Maths [ Nov ]
  • I received a WiCyS Student Scholarship! I will be attending the 2020 WiCyS Conference (lodging and registration provided) [ Nov ]
  • I received a full reimbursement opportunity to attend the GRA-WP Cohort for Women in 2020 [ Nov ]
  • I received a full reimbursement opportunity to attend the GRA-WP Cohort for Underrepresented Minorities in 2020 [ Nov ]
  • I received complimentary registration and a travel grant to attend Neurips! I currently have tickets also for the Black in AI workshops, as well as the WiML workshops [ Dec ]
  • I received a fee waiver for registration and a travel/lodging grant to attend Real World Crypto 2020, via the IACR. The conference will be in New York City, and I am funded for this opportunity by a generous NSF grant [ Dec ]
  • I received word that I am an NCWIT Finalist! [ Dec ]
  • I applied (and received an offer from) the Graduate Writing Centre; I will be learning how to write and mentoring students for around six hours a week in an interdisciplinary writing skillset at the graduate level (so reviewing and helping graduate students write papers in Literature, Materials Science, History, etc)! [ December ]


  • Programming for Engineers (Matlab) (20) (FA19)
  • Data Privacy (Python, Jupyter) (295B) (FA19)
  • Compilers class (202) (SP20)
  • Advanced Web Design class (142) (SP20)

Current Classes (either completed or in-progress)

  • Software Verification (295A) (FA19) (completed)
  • Data Privacy (295B) (FA19) (completed)
  • Human Computer Interaction (228) (FA19) (completed)
  • Machine Learning (in Python) (254) (SP20) (completed)
  • Research credits (491) (SP20)(FA20)(FA21)(SP21)(FA21)(FA22) (in-progress)
  • Secure Distributed Computation (395) (FA20) (completed)
  • Privacy: Law, Policy, & Design (196) (SP21) (completed)
  • Mathematical Cryptography (259) (SP21) (completed)
  • Abstract Algebra 3 (MATH 395 B) (FA 21) (completed)
  • Abstract Algebra 1 (MATH 251 A) (FA 21) (completed)
  • Abstract ALgebra 4: Ring and Module Theory (MATH 395A) (SP 22) (completed)
  • Abstract Algebra 4: Special Topics: Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms (MATH 395C) (SP 22) (completed)
  • Random Probabilistic Graphs (MATH 373A) (SP 22) (completed)
  • Combinatorial Graph Theory (FA 22) (completed)
  • Graduate Graph Combinatorics (MATH 395B) (Spectral Graph Theory) (FA 22) (completed)
  • Independent Study: Category Theory (FA 22) (completed)

Kinda-sorta (Audit, sitting in on, sometimes scribing for, doing arbitrary assignments in)

  • (Audit via Stanford) Internet Scale Consensus in the Blockchain Era (EE 374) (SP21)
  • Number Theory (MATH 255A) (SP 22)
  • Fundamentals of Mathematics (MATH 52) (SP 22)
  • Topology (Seminar, self-study) (FA 22)
  • Algebraic Differential Equations (FA 22)
  • Model Theory (through the Arizona Prelim Winter School)
  • Matroids and Polytopes (SP23) (current audit)

Wish list of Classes (ie TODO)

  • Number theory (done)
  • Random Graphs (done)
  • Algebra (Fields) (done)
  • Real Analysis
  • Measure Theory
  • Combinatorics (done: doing research in now)
  • Graph Theory (done: doing research in now)
  • Algebraic Topology
  • More Abstract Algebra :)

Quals topics (yes; a CS student sitting three Maths quals!)

  • Elliptic Curves (Maths) (completed June 14th, 2023)
  • Graph Theory (Maths)
  • Quantum Computing and Mathematical Cryptography (Maths) (in progress)

I think this means I’m not doing too badly

  • I keep pushing myself, though. It’s been fun. I’ve really been enjoying research, my classes, and being a PhD student. I can’t imagine really doing anything else right now.

  • There are many; so many more things in the works right now, but I should get to sleep. But I feel a bit better; it’s been a wild ride!
  • I tend to look ahead and think of all the things I want to accomplish, which can distract from the things I have accomplished. What a list!

And that’s about it

Written on October 8, 2019